Ohio University’s degree-granting colleges serve as the home of academic departments, schools, and centers which deliver diverse programs, degrees, and majors. 每所学院都有独特的社区和文化来支持每个学生的个人发展, academic, and professional goals. 但无论你进入哪所大学,俄亥俄的经历都将永远束缚着你.
College of Arts and Sciences
Our students are encouraged to roll up their sleeves, explore emerging interests, 并参与newbb电子研究和服务机会,以建立可持续发展的社区,解决阿巴拉契亚及其他地区的现实问题. 我们的毕业生不仅有能力成为市场上成功的专业人士, but also the thinkers, innovators, and leaders who will drive communities and industries forever forward.
Dean: Matthew Ando
College of Business
At Ohio University’s College of Business, 我们明白,成功的职业生涯需要的不仅仅是一次出色的实习,甚至是一个学位——这就是为什么我们的方法确保学生拥有多个, varied experiences required to build real business skills. We work with students to create layered, personalized academic plans and comprehensive, 各种各样的经历造就了颠覆所需要的专业知识和性格, impact and lead any business.
Dean: Jackie Rees Ulmer
College of Fine Arts
Join a world-class, thriving arts incubator.
At Ohio University’s College of Fine Arts, 作为蓬勃发展的艺术孵化器的一部分,学生与世界一流的教师合作,产生具有社区影响的协作工作. We deliver a student experience as transformative as art itself, preparing students for lifelong careers as makers, creators and leaders. You will become a part of something bigger, 与致力于你终身成功的合作者和导师会面,并在世界上一个充满灵感和拥抱创造性风险的独特地区与更大的艺术家社区建立联系.
Dean: Matthew Shaftel
Graduate College
俄亥俄州的研究生院影响着每一个研究生和他们的学术, creative and professional development, from admissions through their theses and dissertations. Special grants, 奖学金和展示工作的机会为学生提供了从学术界到工业界的职业生涯准备的机会. For students whose interests span disciplines, 该学院提供个人跨学科和转化生物医学科学课程.
Dean: David Koonce
College of Health Sciences and Professions
现在,我们比以往任何时候都更加认识到,健康比简单地治疗疾病更大、更复杂. Health impacts every facet of life, from the economy to education. At the Ohio University College of Health Sciences and Professions, we’re one of the nation’s largest health-focused colleges. But, more importantly, our innovative approach to addressing health -- what affects it, who provides it and how to improve it – is big. 俄亥俄州为学生提供了进入全州顶级医院和临床环境的广泛网络的机会,并有机会为农村社区服务不足的人提供服务. And, as a leader in population health, we embrace community partnerships to build collaborative, 可扩展的解决方案,能够应对这个时代最大的危机和挑战.
Dean: John McCarthy
Visit the College of Health Sciences and Professions website
Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
We put patients at the center of care.
With campuses in Athens, Dublin and Cleveland, 传统骨科医学学院以培养为俄亥俄州服务的骨科初级保健医生而自豪,是该州最大的初级保健医生提供者. What happens here is changing the lives of people everywhere. Fueled by a spirit of collaboration, 传统学院培养学生成为优秀的医生,甚至更优秀的护理人员. 离开时,你们会准备充分,充满激情,因为真正的转变始于传统学院.
Dean: Ken Johnson
Honors Tutorial College
HTC教学计划为成绩优异的学生提供灵活的机会,让他们在一对一和小组教学中追求自己的学术兴趣. With 35 programs of study, you’ll choose a topic to study and dive in. 作为一名HTC的学生,发现自己在不寻常的地方是很常见的事情. We allow exceptional, driven, 和求知欲强的学生通过量身定制来追求自己的激情和发现新的兴趣, 严格的个人学习——即使它不属于俄亥俄州广泛的课程范围.
Interim Dean: Beth Novak
Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
We prepare graduates who are ready to lead, to drive change, to improve outcomes and to continually answer the call.
巴顿学院拥有优秀的学术课程,分为四个学术部门:咨询和高等教育, Educational Studies, Recreation, Sports Pedagogy, and Consumer Sciences, and Teacher Education. 我们致力于创造持久的变革,使教育和人类服务领域更具包容性, both in practice and in the way people think about them. 这项工作并不容易,而这正是我们不断迎接挑战的原因.
Interim Dean: Lisa Harrison
Russ College of Engineering and Technology
At the Russ College of Engineering and Technology, we know that employers prefer professionals who are custom-tailored, never mass-produced. 从与顶级出版教师的深夜研究会议到连接未来合作者的全国竞赛, 个性化体验让我们的学生在四年内比许多项目在五年内做好更好的准备. 超过96%的学生毕业时都有工作机会,并准备让世界变得更美好.
Dean: Patrick Fox
Visit the Russ College of Engineering and Technology website
Scripps College of Communication
At Ohio University’s Scripps College of Communication, 有一件事没有改变——我们一直处于这个充满活力的行业的最前沿. 我们在新闻和视觉传播方面的传奇项目不断涌现出普利策奖得主, industry-defining journalists and photographers for decades, but we are also leading the charge in teaching emerging technologies, interdisciplinary collaboration, and strategies for storytelling in an ever-more-connected world.
Dean: Scott Titsworth
University College
Serving students and ensuring success.
University College serves students who have not yet declared a major, houses a small set of unique or interdisciplinary degrees, 并在各大学中提供机构领导以促进学生的成功. 学院提供许多全校范围内的服务,是关键单位的所在地,如第一年和学生过渡, the Center for Community Engagement, 以及帮助所有本科生取得学业成功的学生无障碍服务.
Dean: David Nguyen
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service
领导建立伙伴关系,为社区面临的挑战寻找解决方案, the economy and the environment.
沃伊诺维奇学校为我们农村地区面临的挑战寻找解决方案,并将其扩展到整个阿巴拉契亚地区及其他地区. Through public-private partnerships with statewide networks, we use an innovative approach to economic growth and opportunity, social impact and sustainability, and leadership and community building to deliver resources and expertise. Our graduate students in public affairs, 环境研究和可持续发展有机会参与无数的社区项目.
Dean: Tracy Plouck